Speech TheraphyAbout us
We are a Child Development and Therapy centre specialising in the diagnosis and treatment of various developmental disorders, psychomotor and language problems, learning disorders, attention deficits, etc.
Our aim is to offer families a comprehensive response to children’s problems and disorders. To this end, we have an interdisciplinary team made up of psychologists, pedagogues, speech therapists and psychomotor therapists, with extensive training and clinical experience in working and intervening with children in the infant and primary stages, as well as in advising families and other professionals.
How we are going to help?
Our work process
Specific Language Disorders
Children with specific language impairments (SLI) appear to have great difficulties acquiring language naturally, however they have a normal cognitive ability and present no sensory or motor disturbance, nor have a lack of adequate stimulation in their environment.
Language Delays
A child shows language delays when there is a delay in their first words or phrases and their pronunciation appears slow. The children have immature phrases, poor vocabulary and unintelligible pronunciation.
Dyslalias are disturbances in the pronunciation of some sounds. Children who suffer from this cannot adequately pronounce certain sounds (for example, ‘RR of hurry’) so they miss it out, (and instead say ‘huy’) substitute it (‘hully’ or ‘huggy’) or distort it. Children who suffer from this cannot adequately pronounce certain sounds (for example, ‘RR of hurry’) so they miss it out, (and instead say ‘huy’) substitute it (‘hully’ or ‘huggy’) or distort it. The intervention is usually very effective and is solved without leaving any type of sequel.
Dysphemia is considered a difficulty in fluidity or the appearance of repetition, prolongations, freezing, circumlocutions, and/or physical tension for an unusual amount of time.
The voice is produced through the coordination of three devices – respiratory, laryngeal and oral. Dysphonia is a disorder of one of these three devices, which affects the specific qualities of the voice (tone, volume, ring, duration or flexibility).
This is a disorder caused by an abnormal closing or opening in the airway which causes difficulty in speaking intelligibly. The most common cause is usually from an anatomical origin.
A disorder affecting the articulation of sounds. It is caused by anatomical alterations of the speech organs and therefore causes functional difficulties (problems with swallowing, pronunciation, breathing etc.)
Atypical swallowing
This is a myofunctional disorder characterized by a deviation from the normal oral pattern of swallowing. It can appear by itself or accompanied by changes in breathing, chewing, occlusal trauma or neurological compromise. It interferes with the normal development of orofacial structures, speech, general health and aesthetics.
Literacy disorder
This involves difficulties learning to read and/or write with impaired comprehension, as a result of difficulties in the operations or communications of the systems involved in reading. There are also other causes such as neurological problems, learning difficulties, mental deficiencies etc.